É inevitável que não passemos pela estação conhecida como INVERNO... a fase fria e difícil.
Estação que às vezes nos fará pensar que não iremos conseguir suportar tal momento. Que trará à nossa mente a imagem de que iremos nos sucumbir em meio a tantas lutas.
São dias de guerras, solidão e até mesmo de duvidas sobre nossa própria capacidade.
Esses dias costumo chama- los de inverno.
Que nada mais é... A estação fria... Não apenas na natureza. mas também em nossas vidas.
Onde muitas das vezes cruzamos os braços, não por sermos covardes.
Mas por sentirmos sozinhos e indefesos.
Às vezes...estes são dias para escondemos e aquecermos nossas forças interiores.
Mas... nesta vida existe algo fantástico...
A certeza da chegada da PRIMAVERA.
A estação das flores e do ar perfumado. Estação do que é belo.
Onde se vão... Os dias difíceis e frios.
Trazendo para nós a certeza dos dias maravilhosos que também fazem parte da história.
Dias de paz e de certezas.
De beleza não só natureza... Mas também em nossas vidas. Onde descruzamos os braços e nos entregamos aos momentos belos da vida.
Então! Para você que lê...
A primavera sempre chega em nossas vidas.
Depois do inverno que sempre enfrentamos.
It is inevitable that not pass through the station known as WINTER ... the cold phase and difficult.
Station that sometimes make us think that we will not be able to withstand that time. Which brings to mind the image that we will succumb in the midst of so many struggles.
These are days of war, loneliness and even doubts about our own ability.
These days I usually call them winter.
Which is nothing more ... The cold season ... Not only in nature. but also in our lives.
Which often remain passive, not because we are cowards.
But feeling alone and helpless.
... Sometimes these are days to bask and hide our inner strengths.
But ... There is something fantastic in this life ...
The certainty of the arrival of spring.
The season of flowers and scented air. Station that is beautiful.
Where will ... The cold and rainy day.
Bringing us the certainty of the wonderful days that are also part of the story.
Days of peace and certainty.
Beauty is not just nature ... But in our lives. Where uncrossed his arms and surrender to the beautiful moments of life.
So! For you reading ...
Spring always comes in our lives.
After the winter that always face.
Station that sometimes make us think that we will not be able to withstand that time. Which brings to mind the image that we will succumb in the midst of so many struggles.
These are days of war, loneliness and even doubts about our own ability.
These days I usually call them winter.
Which is nothing more ... The cold season ... Not only in nature. but also in our lives.
Which often remain passive, not because we are cowards.
But feeling alone and helpless.
... Sometimes these are days to bask and hide our inner strengths.
But ... There is something fantastic in this life ...
The certainty of the arrival of spring.
The season of flowers and scented air. Station that is beautiful.
Where will ... The cold and rainy day.
Bringing us the certainty of the wonderful days that are also part of the story.
Days of peace and certainty.
Beauty is not just nature ... But in our lives. Where uncrossed his arms and surrender to the beautiful moments of life.
So! For you reading ...
Spring always comes in our lives.
After the winter that always face.
Escrito por: Samuel Santos da Silva.
Todos os Direitos reservados ao autor.
Samuel S.S. É estudante de Direito.
Conciliador do Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais e escritor de vários textos voltados a pessoas.
Written by: Samuel Santos da Silva.
All rights reserved to the author.
Samuel S.S. is a law student.
Conciliator of the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais and author of several texts aimed at people.
Todos os Direitos reservados ao autor.
Samuel S.S. É estudante de Direito.
Conciliador do Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais e escritor de vários textos voltados a pessoas.
Written by: Samuel Santos da Silva.
All rights reserved to the author.
Samuel S.S. is a law student.
Conciliator of the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais and author of several texts aimed at people.
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